Malpractice results from the failure of a professional healthcare provider to render proper services due to ignorance or negligence causing injury or death when treating a medical condition. Doctor malpractice can result from an action taken by the medical practitioner or by the failure to take the medically appropriate action. Doctors, nurses, hospitals, and other various medical professionals can be at risk for malpractice suits. To file a malpractice claim a patient must prove that a health care professional did not provide an adequate and reasonable standard of medical care and that the failure resulted in the patient being harmed.
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When a medical malpractice suit is filed, there are usually several reasons stated for improper care. Malpractice and insurance companies protect health care professionals when patients question their medical knowledge. Often patients file medical malpractice lawsuits due to the following actions:
- Misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose a disease or medical condition
- Failure to provide the proper treatment for a medical condition
- Delaying treatment for an injury or illness
- Negligent maintenance or faulty equipment used to diagnose or treat patients
- Failure to maintain quality standards
Once a patient has claimed a doctor malpractice suit, they must prove basic points for successful compensation. The patient must prove the doctor or hospital owed reasonable care to the patient, the care was performed incorrectly, and there was injury or damages incurred. With the skyrocketing costs of medical malpractice insurance, it can be difficult for doctors to protect themselves from claims against them.
Medical professionals turn to Doctors' Insurance Agency for complete coverage at affordable rates. With years of experience and expertise in malpractice and insurance policies, Doctors' Insurance Agency is eager to utilize their thorough industry knowledge to answer your questions and develop a policy that will save you money, provide the coverage you need, and give you peace of mind. Trust the professionals at Doctors' Insurance Agency for all of your insurance needs.